Last month, Baidu Baidu to promote the adjustment of some of the rules, the most obvious change is the promotion of the show position reduced. This also means that Baidu promotion either to give up part of their income, or let promotion price!
According to media reports, the Commissioner said that Baidu bid to promote the original auction bid 10 yuan can be ranked in the first position on the left side, but after May 24, you need to bid 35 yuan came in the home, an instant promotion costs increased by 3.5 times.
In the education and training industry do bid Commissioner Han Bing (pseudonym), said: "After the promotion bit to reduce our previous core keyword prices 50 to 60 yuan may be able to ranked first in the home, recently bid had risen to 120 multi (yuan) a more than doubled "another auction Commissioner buffalo (a pseudonym) exclaimed:." the original 16 (dollars) words, now 26 (RMB) No position "
Although each industry PPC keyword prices ranging from a few cents to several hundred dollars, but after Baidu to reduce the number of promotion, there was a general keyword prices go up, an increase of some 350%.
Baidu's inner monologue: "Anyway, I can not share that earn less ... Gentlemen random ..."
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